Fuertecoin (FUEC) has been listed on FinanceX exchange

We have exciting news for the Fuertecoin community! Fuertecoin (FUEC) has been officially listed on the FinanceX exchange, providing new opportunities for the expansion and trading of our beloved cryptocurrency. Here are the key details:

Availability Dates:

Deposits Open: Starting from October 18, 2023.
Trading Operations: Also commencing on October 18, 2023.
Trading Pairs:

FUEC/USDT: https://financex.trade/trading/fuecusdt
FUEC/DOGE: https://financex.trade/trading/fuecdoge

Further Details:
For more information on this exciting addition, we invite you to visit the official announcement on the FinanceX website.

This new inclusion on the FinanceX exchange represents a significant step in Fuertecoin’s expansion, and we are excited about the opportunities it will bring to our community. We encourage you to explore these new trading pairs and take advantage of the benefits offered by this platform.

Stay tuned for more updates on Fuertecoin, and continue to support our project! Together, we are moving forward to an exciting future in the world of cryptocurrencies.

therealFinanceX #CoinGecko #Fuertecoin #FUEC

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